July 18, 2018Storage has Just Got a Whole Lot Better
October 15, 2018Planning well in advance and taking care of the finest details will ensure that your checklist for storage is exactly what you need to make this a stress-free experience. It is important to make an inventory of everything that will be going into storage.
The best way moving forward is by compiling a comprehensive checklist for storage.
- Plan well in advance and tick every item off well in advance prior to the day of your move.
- Booking your storage is perhaps the most important point to consider. It is imperative to make a comprehensive list of everything that is going into storage and whether it is fragile, and if there are any other important pointers that need to be mentioned.
- Ensure the storage you are booking is both safe and secure.
- What packaging materials do you require – do your items need to be wrapped or boxed with tape, bubble wrap or any other packaging materials? A tape gun is a brilliant investment and will save plenty of time and effort.
- If you are smart you will select a storage company that will come to you, pack for you and take away the container – ready for storage, as this will bypass having to find removal companies.
- Pack well in advance – weeks prior to the actual day of removal, if possible.