Workspace and Bedroom Decluttering Tips using Storage Boxes

Locked lock
Secure and Safe Office Storage
February 27, 2020
Easy Store storage minimalist home
Smartest Ways to Declutter in a New Decade with Self-Storage
March 9, 2020
Locked lock
Secure and Safe Office Storage
February 27, 2020
Easy Store storage minimalist home
Smartest Ways to Declutter in a New Decade with Self-Storage
March 9, 2020
An untidy room

Clear spaces result in a clear mind with the two going together like peas and carrots or a horse and carriage. Your home and your environment should exude a feeling of calm and peace where you can think clearly. 

Clutter and chaos lead to one feeling anxious and out of control. We must clear up the clutter (a new year is a perfect time to start) because few of us realise how much influence our surroundings have on our psyche. 

The passage through our lives is marked by the things we collect and accumulate and breaking this cycle is almost impossible for so many of us. The very first step towards breaking the cycle of hoarding is to face this and to learn to celebrate our lives in other ways – some of these include recognition of one’s self and the relationships of friends and family. 

These ten reasons will tell you why it is important to keep your living and workspace clean: 

  • It’s tough to start decluttering, but once you get going, you will soon find that everything starts falling into place. Write down your decluttering and organising goals. Where would you like to start and what would you like to achieve as a result. Put down why you want to organise your life – an example is spending more time with your family and your friends 
  • A clear space is good for a healthy mind 
  • Hard fact – women who boast about their homes being cluttered tend to be far more stressed and tended to be depressed 
  • Individuals whose homes are neat and uncluttered tended to be calm and are not depressed. Our surroundings are directly linked to the way we feel – clean spaces promote positive feelings 
  • A clean space is easy on the eye. Simply put – it just looks better 

  • There is a distinct connection between having tidy surroundings and sleep patterns. A tidy bedroom, for example, will offer a great night’s sleep 
  • Good time management will result from being organised and running a tidy ship – you won’t run late. It will be easier to find your keys, have your lunch packed, put out your clothes, know where everything is – good time management all round 
  • When you have tidy surroundings, you will always be able to find items and not have to replace these which will result in saving money 
  • You will save plenty of time by decluttering – no more scratching through stuff to find things 
  • Keeping clutter at bay and your place looking good is a great habit to get into and to keep 

Preparation is key

Finally, do some careful preparation on the weekend for the week ahead. Prepare meals, buy your groceries and prepare all school activities in advance as this will save you time and energy and keep your mind clear. Set aside at least an hour preparing on the weekend which can save you numerous hours during the week. Use the time and money on celebrating with loved ones. 

Store extra stuff you are keeping but want to free up space in a self-storage unit. A good option is Easy Store. Easy Store will bring storage services to you to pack your things and then take them away to be stored in a secure, state-of-the-art warehouse. Storage does not get easier than this. 

Clear spaces equals a clear mind – keep this up and you will see the results.